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Lovells Athletico
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Join date : 2024-04-30

Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

Sun May 05, 2024 7:04 pm
Our first ever visit to Hayes Lane looms in 2024:2005.

As Bromley’s most famous resident said hopefully they will be “ absolute beginners, are Under Pressure, it is not Hunky Dory and they fail to be Heroes. “
1912 Exiles
1912 Exiles
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Join date : 2024-04-30

Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Re: Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

Sun May 05, 2024 8:48 pm
Given our form at the end of the season, we’ll need to make some Changes first…

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Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Re: Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

Mon May 06, 2024 9:09 am
Watched the final, Labs missed one in the penalty shoot out for Solihull. Bromley looked pretty good, it won’t be an easy game that’s for sure, no difference between L2 and top half of the National.

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Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Re: Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

Mon May 06, 2024 11:54 am
I've been to watch us play there twice, I'm pretty sure it's the same ground.
North London Exile
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Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Re: Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

Fri May 10, 2024 2:19 pm
You are correct. Although some changes have been made to the surface, I believe.

Yesterday at a meeting, I met a Bromley supporter who is a second cousin to Harry Charsley, so we have agreed to go to their home fixture against County if the date is convenient. He has seen us play Crawley from the County end, which he much enjoyed.

Bromley are a good swap for Sutton United.
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Oh you pretty things.  Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.  Empty Re: Oh you pretty things. Bromley. v The Exiles L2 23/24.

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