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One minutes reflection

Posted: January 14th, 2020, 12:06 pm
by Stan A. Einstein
All 3rd Round FA Cup ties kicked off one minute late. This was to give us all an opportunity to reflect collectively on issues of mental health. And let's not beat about the bush it is important, especially for the majority of people who read this board. The majority of you will be young men. If God forbid you die young, the most likely cause is that you will take your own life. We know that down the years a number of County players have suffered with depression and the way Newport County have dealt with that has been exemplary.

Twice in my life I have been in hospital. Once the Gwent to have my appendix out, once St Cadoc's where as a very young man I was treated for depression. I say this not to garner sympathy but to point out that I feel no more shame or embarrassment for being treated for depression than I do for a physical illness. And thanks for asking I made a full recovery from both.

For many young men, it's just a case of hormone imbalance. However bleak life is, it gets better. There is no shame in that which you are going through. Please remember that those people who seek to weaponize mental illness, who wish to stigmatise are foolish individuals to be ignored. There is help available but most importantly talk to someone. And remember anyone making fun of mental illness is doing exactly the same thing as someone making fun of cancer, or any other illness.

Re: One minutes reflection

Posted: January 14th, 2020, 1:00 pm
by supporter
That was a great initiative very powerful in the stadium.

I agree the stigma over mental health needs to be tackled head on. I also experienced depression in my 20's not to the hospitalisation stage but debilitating all the same. I tore my ligaments playing football at the same time and received loads of sympathy because people could see my leg was in plaster. I remember thinking the internal pain from depression was far greater.

Never bottle things up always talk is my advice.

Re: One minutes reflection

Posted: January 17th, 2020, 4:03 pm
by mad norm
A big hear hear from me
I suffer depression and anxiety...the latter so frustrating.Medication helps.And I am grateful to have a creative ability and am mobile,keeping mind and body active

Re: One minutes reflection

Posted: January 20th, 2020, 7:26 pm
by supporter
Got to admit I was surprised when this was subject was moved to everything else.

It's a thread highlighting an extremely positive and important initiative by the football community and we shut it down. By doing this it's sort of trivialising mental health, periods of depression etc which is wrong.